Choosing Topics for the Language and Reading Study Group
The Language and Reading Study Group is a group of Educators and SLPs who come together each month to discuss reading and language development and research.
We look to apply this information to the context of Alberta students and in turn develop new and different ways to support our kids with reading and language needs within schools.
In Lyndsay’s guest blog post from December 2021, she discussed how she and I look for material that may be relevant, new, and thought provoking.
We recently sent out a survey to our present and past participants to gather information about topic preferences.
We had such great response from teachers, administrators, and SLPs! Topics of interest included: building background knowledge to improve reading comprehension, narrative instruction and its links to literacy development, and writing instruction.
The study group gives us an opportunity to reflect on what we would like to know more about to help our own clinical practice, ask our colleagues what they would like to learn more about to help their classroom instruction, and find ways to promote collaboration between professionals.
Upcoming Study Group Dates
March 9th, 2022: OHRC Right to Read Report: What does this mean for Alberta?
April 13th, 2022: Topic to Be Announced
May 11th, 2022: Topic to Be Announced
We are looking forward to collaborating with more professionals within Alberta and beyond, over the next few months.